Rhizo Life
War Horse

Product Overview

Humic acid, limestone, and rock phosphate formulated into a unique granular product that feed soil biology and balance the soil ecosystem around the root zone to forge nutrient availability and plant uptake.


Rhizo Life War Horse Product Features

Kick-Start the Soil

Increases CEC for better nutrient retention and availability

Stabilizes pH

Stabilizes pH through high humic acid content

Moisture Retention

Enhances moisture retention in the root zone

Soil Aeration

Promotes soil aeration and remediates high sodium soils


Complements conventional fertilizers by balancing sodium, sulfate, and calcium loads


Provides carbon-rich humic acids that feed beneficial microorganisms and balance base saturations

Granulated Product

war horse

Nutrient Analysis

Guaranteed Analysis:
12% Calcium
16% Humic Acid
10% Total Carbon
6% Total Phosphate

Trace Minerals:
Boron, Cobalt, Copper,
Iron, Manganese, Moly,
Silica, and Zinc